Friday, December 31, 2010

Living By Spiritual Principles

     The dictionary defines the word principle as a fundamental doctrine; a specific or personal basis of conduct or management. They are the rules that govern us and influence our decisions. Whether we realize it or not, everyone lives by certain and specific principles. From organizations to gangs and to individuals, we all live by principles. God's intent from creation was for our lives to be governed by specific principles that would enable us to fulfill our purpose. These principles work in every area of our existence. They are both physical and spiritual. As long as we conduct and manage the affairs of life according to them, we will succeed. They can produce success and enable us to overcome any obstacle, mistake, and even shortcoming.
     The principles by which we live and conduct ourselves are contained in the Word of God. The Word is sent and given to us. When we receive it, God assures us that He is watching over it to perform it. As we embrace the principles of Scripture, the Godhead, Holy Spirit, and angelic host work on our behalf. We must only have the will, cooperation, and actions that are in compliance with His Word. God guarantees us that His Word will not return void, empty, or useless.
     As the year 2011 is here, the tradition is to make new year's resolutions. It is a determination to accomplish some goal or do things better or different so that one is improved from last year. Whatever resolutions are made may we be men, women, and children of spiritual principles. Our victories, successes, and accomplishments with our destiny cannot be separated from them. As we search the Scripture, meditate in them, and continue in the teachings of God's Word we will experience heaven on earth. The choice is up to each individual. God has predetermined before hand His desires for us. Paul said, "eyes have not seen nor ears heard, neither has it entered the hearts of men, what God has prepared for them that love him. But God has revealed them to us by His Spirit." The revelation that we have is the product of His Word which the Holy Spirit interprets for us. Be encouraged to live by spiritual principles. Every seed of the Word produces after its kind. Whatever your dreams, vision, and desires they can be fulfilled when you live according to His Word.


  1. Thanks for a great year of you steadfast leadership. I am so looking forward to this years teaching. You have not only changed my life but you have touched the hearts of the people I am in daily contact with. Thanks for diligently answering your calling because without you and the Mrs. I would still be running from mine. I have so much further to go but by the grace of God I have come soooooo far. U have made a mark in my life that could never ever be erased. Keep up the good job, as u stay hard after God. God has not forgotten you so I know He won't forget me. Love You Both.

  2. hanks for a great year of you steadfast leadership. I am so looking forward to this years teaching. You have not only changed my life but you have touched the hearts of the people I am in daily contact with. Thanks for diligently answering your calling because without you and the Mrs. I would still be running from mine. I have so much further to go but by the grace of God I have come soooooo far. U have made a mark in my life that could never ever be erased. Keep up the good job, as u stay hard after God. God has not forgotten you so I know He won't forget me. Love You Both.
