Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Three C's of Leadership

"Leadership does not always wear the harness of compromise."
Woodrow Wilson

  Leadership! Now here is a topic that deserves much attention. Having said that many articles and books have been written on the subject. As time goes on, many continue their efforts to express their views, understanding, and manner in which leadership works. For the past twenty years I have been the senior leader of Abundant Life Christian Center. During those years I have made my share of mistakes as well as good decisions. More importantly, I have learned much over the years and my thirst to develop and learn more about being a leader is as fresh as when I first began. The following items have been the foundation of my continuing journey in leadership. It is hoped that they will undergird your pursuit of the call to lead no matter the profession that you may be in. I have called them the three C's of leadership.

  1. Commitment. Commitment requires dedication and a resolve to stay a certain course of action no matter the circumstances. This is the beginning step of leadership. If you are a leader or aspire to become one you must be committed to leadership even before you implement a plan. It's a daily decision that must be embraced if any will lead. It is devotion devoid of compromise. A willingness to prioritize. Commitment focuses on completion. It is a choice to finish despite challenge. Commitment says no turning back. It will unleash potential and creativity. 
  2. Conviction. Whatever our convictions, they will influence our decisions. Convictions reveal integrity or the lack of it. If any of our decisions are made devoid of strong convictions, the impact goes beyond us. They touch the team that we lead, our relationships, and ultimately the company/business that we service. During his earthly ministry Jesus gives insight to the secret of conduct/behavior that reflects strong convictions. Love God first and your neighbor as yourself. These are the foundation of strong convictions. How we conduct the affairs of our business is as important as our company's vision. There is nothing more fulfilling than choices that are the product of a pure conscious.    
  3. Courage. Courage is bravery in the face of difficulty. It is not necessarily the absence of fear. I have discovered that there is a certain amount of fear the accompanies being a leader. Many have faced challenges that required them to choose to be courageous. Despite seemingly insurmountable odds, many have overcome by choosing courage above fear. Courage says, something else is more important than being afraid. In the remake of the Karate Kid, Dre Parker sustains an injury that potentially ends his run to win the tournament that he's entered. Mr. Han had previously mended some injuries that Dre sustained from the gang who had been bullying him. The remedy was an old Chinese secret that he learned from his father. When applied the cure healed him and left him painless. As the story nears its conclusion, Dre and Mr. Han are in the looker room with Dre lying on the table seriously injured. He wants Mr. Han to use the cure again so that he can finish the tournament. Mr. Han with complete concern for Dre ask, why must you go back out there. You've done well and don't have to prove anything. Dre's response is, "because  I don't want to be afraid anymore." If Dre was going to live in China and attend the same school as the bully's he faced, he wanted to do so without being afraid. I think you get the point. 
The three C's of leadership work no matter the position one holds. The focus here is on leaders. However they are not restricted to this area. They will work for anyone's vision or dream. May they help you grow and succeed in life's journey.

    Tuesday, November 29, 2011

    Kingdom Citizenship

    The focus of this past Sunday's message was on Kingdom citizenship. Paul says the following in Philippians 3:20, "For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ." The dictionary defines citizenship as the place or location in which one has the rights, privileges and allegiance to government and is entitled to its benefits. Citizenship is the product of one's birth right or compliance with established requirements that merit the right to be deemed a citizen. As for the Christian, our citizenship is the product of our born again experience. Jesus said, "do not be amazed that I said to you, you must be born again, John 3:7." 
    Here are some highlights from the message.
    As citizens of the Kingdom of God, we are called to stewardship practices. I have read many definitions of the word stewardship. Some simple and others more complex. However, of the many that I've read, Kevin Conner gives one that is most insightful. Here is his definition, "stewardship is the practice of systematic and proportionate giving of time, abilities, and possessions based on the conviction that these are as trust from God to be used in His service for the benefit of His Kingdom." There are five significant words within this definition that deserve emphasis. They will help us to not only understand the depth of stewardship but will increase our focus to be a faithful steward.

    1. Practice. Practice is to do something repeatedly. One of the greatest ways to practice stewardship is to willing embrace our church vision. The central focus of ALCC is worship, the Word, and intercession. These three form the foundation of our house and must become a part of our weekly practice. Everything of which we seek to accomplish is born from them. 
    2. Systematic. One definition of the the word is an organized set of principles or doctrine. God has established principles or doctrine that govern His Kingdom. His principles are eternal truths that are reliable no matter the circumstances. You can change a practice to fit a given situation  but a principle is the same no matter the case. You don't have to ever call an audible when operating by His principles. They are so powerful and exact because He watches over them. In case you're wondering, His principles or doctrine are contained in His Word. There is no substitute for a healthy diet of the Word of God. Jesus commands us to "search the Scriptures." 
    3. Proportionate. A proportionate measure is a proper or equal share. The Kingdom principle for giving is the tithe. A tithe is ten percent. It is not simply a law. The principle of the tithe existed 400 years before the law. It is the minimum requirement of all. Please be advised that tithing is only a portion of what is required. Giving proportionately also includes our time and abilities. Have you ever dreamed of what could happen in a given ministry if everyone gave an portion of their time, abilities, and possessions? I have and will continue to dream of it until it manifest. Won't you join me in the dream. It actually came from God and I'm courageous enough to go after it. How about you?
    4. Conviction. Conviction is strong persuasion or belief. I am fully persuaded that the principle of stewardship as set forth in the above definition is accurate as it applies to God's Kingdom. I can recall seasons of my personal attempt to function in partial stewardship. The prevailing issue with me was conviction. That is my convictions concerning the totality of stewardship were faulty. The truth is if my convictions are going to line up with God, I must discover them in His Word. That's simple enough right. The challenge is our new convictions in God are opposed by our old convictions from the world. On one occasion when addressing the pharisees and the scribes Jesus said that they neglected the commandment of God to hold to the tradition of men. It is a given that we must renew our minds daily.
    5. Trust. Trust is a charge or duty imposed in faith or confidence as a condition of some relationship. God has placed in our care everything that concerns our lives based on the principle of stewardship. Those principles are what makes everything else work. The goal is to give priority to  the Kingdom. We can only be answerable for what He has assigned to us. But we all are assigned to some specific duty or perhaps duties. If you are failing in some area of trust, you only need to acknowledge it to Him, ask His forgiveness and His help to get you back on task. If you haven't started yet, you don't have to wait for new years. You can begin right now. There is much work in His Kingdom for us to accomplish. As it is said in numerous Nike commercials, "Just Do It."

    Tuesday, October 25, 2011

    Accountability Measures

       A successful company, business, or organization is a thing of beauty. It is the caterpillar that breaks out of it's cocoon and matures into the beautiful butterfly. A vision is cast and over time and with many components and hard work it grows into a successful venture. There are many items that lend themselves to  this success. One of the most important items is accountability. It is a very powerful dynamic that yields tremendous rewards when embraced. Here are four areas that can undermine a company, business, or organizations accountability. When we assume that everyone is always up to speed and on task, the bigger picture is at risk. The truth is, we all need reminders from time to time.
    Focus. We should never assume that everyone always knows their duties and responsibilities. How we manage these is one way to examine our commitment to accountability. No one really wants a boss, manager, or supervisor standing over them. After all being responsible is the heart and soul of accountability. Nonetheless, there is no substitute for defining and reviewing key responsibilities. It will assist us in keeping our focus on those things required of us.
    Consistency. Many think that any initiative that comes from the boss will stick. The assumption is since the boss said it, it will be done and followed through. If this were true, it would solve many issues and cause things to go more smoothly. Of course it is not the case. If a project, plan, or goal is to be met or completed, it results from everyone being consistent. It only takes missing or forgetting one step or missing one goal to hinder the results. Never underestimate your role in reaching the final outcome. The RMI team took it's second cruise this past January. I recall early one morning approximately 4 am waking and turning on the television. The channel happened to be on one of the stations that showed various floors of the ship (Navigator of the Seas). I don't recall the floor, but there was one of the employees mopping the floor at 4 am. It was a telling picture of everyone's importance in meeting the goals and the need to be consistent.
    Visibility. Examination and discussion of failures are as important to success as accomplishments. We tend to highlight the good and work to hide the bad. Someone has said that when we stop learning, we stop growing. Our failures have an important role in our development. We must recognize them as lessons learned and steps to improvement. If we are to reap their benefits and rewards, they must be embraced. An environment of sharing profits all.
    Training. Training is the foundation of all success. It undergirds our efforts and dreams. It is not enough to have a dream. It must extend to having the know how. I am certain that we have all said, "I wish I knew how to do that!" The goal of all training should be to produce something new or to add to what one already has. Having said that, training is an ongoing venture. When we fail to see and understand this fact, we risk the future of our business, company, or organization.

    Wednesday, October 12, 2011

    Time Matters

    Have you ever said these words, "there isn't enough time in a day for me to do all that I need." I'm sure most of us have if not all of us. It seems as though life is a never ending journey of trying to accomplish things. Everything and everyone is in competition for our time. If it is not managed efficiently, time will simply slip away with many things left undone. Here are three suggestions with some brief comments that will help you address time matters. There are of course other suggestions, but try these to get you started.

    God First - It all begins here. When God is given priority and first place, everything else works. When we control our time, we control our lives. This initial suggestion requires you to be intentional. That is, you must start your day with some quality time with God. As He is acknowledged and sought, He will give us direction. From the beginning of the day and throughout many things go through the mind. Despite this fact, we cannot do all of what we think and realistically should not even want to do it all. The truth is, we need God's help to sort out the many thoughts and ideas that come to the mind. I believe that everyone has a purpose and there are certain activities that support the fulfillment of it. We cannot do all things, but are required to do the one's we were born to do. We can all relate to being involved in something of which we later discovered was a waste of time. Putting God first would and can save us from time wasted.

    Your Governing Values - Every person lives by a set of core values that govern the behavior. Your activities each day are a reflection of those values. These can also be viewed as the most important things that you believe. They are the foundation of what you will accomplish during your life's experience. If you find that you tend to waste time or procrastinate, it doesn't just happen. Somewhere in your experience you developed a belief and habit that it is Ok. This may be tough to accept but realize that your values are interconnected and they effect your actions. They are like pieces to a puzzle. Each one lends itself to an overall picture. Collectively they influence your choices and decisions. If your decisions are producing a sour outcome, you might need to re-examine your governing values. It's like looking beneath the surface so that you are not treating symptoms. Realize that in order to change a negative behavior, you must change your beliefs or values. There is no substitute for governing values that are godly and righteous.

    Plan Well - Good planning is the product of good thinking. What a wonderful organ we have called the brain. Good thinking stems from exercising the brain. As you know, it is estimated that we use approximately 10% of it. To exercise the brain, you must be intentional. For example, during each day you should read and meditate. This will give the brain a workout that will keep it active, productive and sharp. We've all seen the commercial with the caption, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." So don't waste it. Make good use of it. Also make certain that you're reading something that is worthy and perhaps thought provoking and meditating on good things. When writing to Philippi, Paul says, "Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, what ever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things, Philippians 4:8." 

    Making adjustments in these three areas will prove to be rewarding concerning your time. You'll be better able to discern when, where, and how to use it. Remember each of us has only so much time to accomplish our purpose. Manage your time well.

    Tuesday, September 27, 2011

    Dealing with Life's Challenges

    "No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it," 1 Corinthians 10:13, NASB.

       Challenges are common to humanity. The dictionary gives one definition of challenge as something that arouses or stimulates especially by presenting difficulties. Challenges have the ability to stir the many differing emotions given to us. When in the midst of a challenge, we experience everything from laughter to tears. I am certain that we all can relate. Everyone will have their share of challenges during their lifetime. Our culture, possessions, etc are not means enough to keep us from them. If you are not experiencing one at the moment, perhaps you've just completed one or about to enter one. Whatever the case, we cannot escape them.
    This lesson on Dealing with Life's Challenges was taught earlier this year. The following are some excerpts for the earlier teaching.
       The above Scripture gives tremendous insight into God's view of our challenges. First it is clear that challenges are common to everyone. They are common to man or humanity. A challenge is a temporary interruption in a plan that produces discomfort, discouragement, disagreements, or distress that must be overcome so that purposes and objectives can be realized (I. V. Hillard). Challenges range from the simple to the complex. There are the one's that are easy to understand and easy to deal with. On the hand there are the complex ones. These are more complicated and involved. They require some type of support (experience of others, counsel, etc.). If you are to overcome the complex ones, you will need the help of others.
       Your challenges are about you. They reveal who you are and the role that God plays in your life. It is not enough to say that you have faith or that you trust God. When faced with challenges, you may be tempted to give up or faint. Everything around you seems to suggest such a response. It is at this moment that you must dare to still believe. Challenges will unmask and uncover the hidden things of the heart. If your faith is being fed, it will rise within you so that you can stay the course.
       The most important change that you can make concerning challenges is a change of attitude. Above everything, don't have a pity party. It is self defeating. You can trust that God is at work in your, Romans 8:26-28. Challenges are a call to action. Realize that each one has a solution. Additionally they are resources that will cause you to grow. 
       I trust that you are encouraged by what you've read. Remember the way of escape has already been provided. Trust God and obey His Word and you will come out on top. Let's close with a short prayer.
    Father, I give you praise for your love and care for me. Thank you that you have already provided in Christ every blessing necessary to fulfill my life. I decree that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Because I hear and obey, you will cause my days to prosper and my years to end with your pleasures. Be glorified in me, in Jesus' name. Amen

    Friday, January 14, 2011

    The Power of Confession

         Confession is a verbal affirmation that something is true. Whether we make them or not, they are a necessary and essential ingredient in life. The writer of the Book of Hebrews states the following, "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." This verse gives us  security and confidence in knowing that our God and King will make good on His promises. It is not a matter of our feelings nor is it restricted by our circumstances. When God created the world, he was not restricted or limited to its condition of being void and covered with darkness. He simply spoke the truth over it and it produced His desires. God's confession resulted from His being, His existence. Since He is God, He is truth. These cannot be separated. Whatever He utters, is. His Word accomplishes His desires.
    We are the children of God and have the distinct privilege of being like Him. We too can confess His Word and see their results. Our confessions remind us, rehearse us, and help our focus. Repetition will eventually turn into happen. Habit will heighten our expectations and establish a resolve in the area of our confession. Remember faith is not a matter of what we may see in the natural. Faith is now and manifestation follows. Your faith and your confession are power twins. They produce the promises of God.
         Here is a brief corporate confession from our first Friday night gathering with First Baptist World Changers. This confession is not limited to our 21 day Daniel's fast. It should continue through the year. Also it is not meant to replace any current confessions that you may be doing. The reality is, the more the merrier and practice makes perfect. I am using perfect here to mean mature. Our goal is to become a house filled with the confessions of God's Word with the corresponding results.
       "Father in the name of Jesus, we confess that this is our year of release. We are expecting the visitation of God in the following areas. The Lord will visit us in our finances. We expect to be more secure financially than in previous years. As a result we will be better stewards of our finances. We will honor God first with our substance and use wisdom in managing what remains. The Lord will visit us in the area of our relationships. We will not hold any one's offense against them. Consequently, forgiveness, healing, and restoration will occur with loved ones, friends, and one another. The Lord will visit us in the area of healing. We will experience God's healing touch in our spirit, soul, and body. We will bear witness to all that our God is doing and will remain faithful in our witness.
    Speak the truth over your life and Expect the best! God can and will produce His promises!

    Monday, January 3, 2011

    Getting the Best Out of Life

    "How much better it is to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen over silver, Proverbs 16:16."

         Everyone is given the opportunity to get the best out of life. It is God's will for each of us and predestined if we will make the right choices. With each day we are given the freedom to choose. If our choices are quality, they will produce quality results. On the other hand if they are poor, they will produce poor results. The most basic decision we must make concerning life is, what results are we looking for? Our life's experience can be beneath average, average, above average, or extraordinary. The beauty is, the choice is ours. We all fall in one of these categories. The truth about decision making is, they are the product of wisdom, knowledge, understanding and experiences. These afford us the advantage of choosing with some frame of reference. The beauty is wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and experiences work in all circumstances. According to the above verse in Proverbs, nothing can be compared to them. If there is a tragedy about the them it would be to make poor choices with the right information and experience. I call this an over-riding of the will. It means that you have the necessities to make the proper choice, but decide to something else. Decisions such as these are the product of our habits. Bad habits lead to bad decisions which produce bad results.
         If we are to get the best out of life, we must choose the right things. The right things are the things of God. The wisdom of God, His knowledge and understanding. When these are chosen, they produce quality experiences in life. Despite the problems that are associated with living, we can still have the best out of life. The wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of which we speak are given to address the issues of life. Whether we are dealing with the negative or positive, they will guide us to the right choices so that the experience will end in a productive manner. Even when dealing with the most difficult circumstances, we can enjoy a profitable end. Choosing God's wisdom, knowledge, and understanding will give us a godly and heavenly view of human and earthly matters. They will allow us to see things from HIS perspective giving us the choice of victory or defeat.
         Now if our choices are life and death, it is certain that we will choose life. The life that God gives is the result of HIS wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. These lead to experiences that make life enjoyable and they produce God's will and intentions for us. His desire is for us to have the best of everything. As we respond to the matters of each day in God's wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, we can be assured that they will produce the results of which we are looking for. In 2011 rather than make new year's resolutions, let us be resolved to make good choices. As the Word of God encourages us, "choose this day whom you will serve."  To get the best out of life, we must choose the best that life gives. It is not gold or silver, but the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding that comes from above. Let 2011 be the best year of your life.