Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dealing with Life's Challenges

"No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it," 1 Corinthians 10:13, NASB.

   Challenges are common to humanity. The dictionary gives one definition of challenge as something that arouses or stimulates especially by presenting difficulties. Challenges have the ability to stir the many differing emotions given to us. When in the midst of a challenge, we experience everything from laughter to tears. I am certain that we all can relate. Everyone will have their share of challenges during their lifetime. Our culture, possessions, etc are not means enough to keep us from them. If you are not experiencing one at the moment, perhaps you've just completed one or about to enter one. Whatever the case, we cannot escape them.
This lesson on Dealing with Life's Challenges was taught earlier this year. The following are some excerpts for the earlier teaching.
   The above Scripture gives tremendous insight into God's view of our challenges. First it is clear that challenges are common to everyone. They are common to man or humanity. A challenge is a temporary interruption in a plan that produces discomfort, discouragement, disagreements, or distress that must be overcome so that purposes and objectives can be realized (I. V. Hillard). Challenges range from the simple to the complex. There are the one's that are easy to understand and easy to deal with. On the hand there are the complex ones. These are more complicated and involved. They require some type of support (experience of others, counsel, etc.). If you are to overcome the complex ones, you will need the help of others.
   Your challenges are about you. They reveal who you are and the role that God plays in your life. It is not enough to say that you have faith or that you trust God. When faced with challenges, you may be tempted to give up or faint. Everything around you seems to suggest such a response. It is at this moment that you must dare to still believe. Challenges will unmask and uncover the hidden things of the heart. If your faith is being fed, it will rise within you so that you can stay the course.
   The most important change that you can make concerning challenges is a change of attitude. Above everything, don't have a pity party. It is self defeating. You can trust that God is at work in your, Romans 8:26-28. Challenges are a call to action. Realize that each one has a solution. Additionally they are resources that will cause you to grow. 
   I trust that you are encouraged by what you've read. Remember the way of escape has already been provided. Trust God and obey His Word and you will come out on top. Let's close with a short prayer.
Father, I give you praise for your love and care for me. Thank you that you have already provided in Christ every blessing necessary to fulfill my life. I decree that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Because I hear and obey, you will cause my days to prosper and my years to end with your pleasures. Be glorified in me, in Jesus' name. Amen

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Duncan, the blogs are awesome and helpful. I apologize for not reading them sooner. When you taught on challenges in March or April of 2011, I was really encouraged to learn that God provides a way of escape out of every challenge and I was seeing this truth in motion at that same time. To summarize what I was going through around that time and escaped from, (1) over a decade of fornication, (2) dating a nonbeliever who was discouraging me from church, (3) a medical condition. The ironic thing is that the nonbeliever seemed to be a way of escape from my past life of fornication, and the medical condition along with my faithfulness in church were escape from dating the nonbeliever (he left due to these). Through a Word from Pastor Fellicia and Sister Deborah who told me I am healed and everyone's prayers, I have since received a favorable report from the doctor and am encouraged to keep being obedient. I have seen many other ways of escape out of my challenges, and I know God is working out all things for the good of us who love Him and are called by Him. Hope this helps anyone who may be going through any of these challenges or any challenge. God is able and He will give you an escape, just don't try to take your own route. Thanks for your help Pastor and your Word from God.
