Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Kingdom Citizenship

The focus of this past Sunday's message was on Kingdom citizenship. Paul says the following in Philippians 3:20, "For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ." The dictionary defines citizenship as the place or location in which one has the rights, privileges and allegiance to government and is entitled to its benefits. Citizenship is the product of one's birth right or compliance with established requirements that merit the right to be deemed a citizen. As for the Christian, our citizenship is the product of our born again experience. Jesus said, "do not be amazed that I said to you, you must be born again, John 3:7." 
Here are some highlights from the message.
As citizens of the Kingdom of God, we are called to stewardship practices. I have read many definitions of the word stewardship. Some simple and others more complex. However, of the many that I've read, Kevin Conner gives one that is most insightful. Here is his definition, "stewardship is the practice of systematic and proportionate giving of time, abilities, and possessions based on the conviction that these are as trust from God to be used in His service for the benefit of His Kingdom." There are five significant words within this definition that deserve emphasis. They will help us to not only understand the depth of stewardship but will increase our focus to be a faithful steward.

  1. Practice. Practice is to do something repeatedly. One of the greatest ways to practice stewardship is to willing embrace our church vision. The central focus of ALCC is worship, the Word, and intercession. These three form the foundation of our house and must become a part of our weekly practice. Everything of which we seek to accomplish is born from them. 
  2. Systematic. One definition of the the word is an organized set of principles or doctrine. God has established principles or doctrine that govern His Kingdom. His principles are eternal truths that are reliable no matter the circumstances. You can change a practice to fit a given situation  but a principle is the same no matter the case. You don't have to ever call an audible when operating by His principles. They are so powerful and exact because He watches over them. In case you're wondering, His principles or doctrine are contained in His Word. There is no substitute for a healthy diet of the Word of God. Jesus commands us to "search the Scriptures." 
  3. Proportionate. A proportionate measure is a proper or equal share. The Kingdom principle for giving is the tithe. A tithe is ten percent. It is not simply a law. The principle of the tithe existed 400 years before the law. It is the minimum requirement of all. Please be advised that tithing is only a portion of what is required. Giving proportionately also includes our time and abilities. Have you ever dreamed of what could happen in a given ministry if everyone gave an portion of their time, abilities, and possessions? I have and will continue to dream of it until it manifest. Won't you join me in the dream. It actually came from God and I'm courageous enough to go after it. How about you?
  4. Conviction. Conviction is strong persuasion or belief. I am fully persuaded that the principle of stewardship as set forth in the above definition is accurate as it applies to God's Kingdom. I can recall seasons of my personal attempt to function in partial stewardship. The prevailing issue with me was conviction. That is my convictions concerning the totality of stewardship were faulty. The truth is if my convictions are going to line up with God, I must discover them in His Word. That's simple enough right. The challenge is our new convictions in God are opposed by our old convictions from the world. On one occasion when addressing the pharisees and the scribes Jesus said that they neglected the commandment of God to hold to the tradition of men. It is a given that we must renew our minds daily.
  5. Trust. Trust is a charge or duty imposed in faith or confidence as a condition of some relationship. God has placed in our care everything that concerns our lives based on the principle of stewardship. Those principles are what makes everything else work. The goal is to give priority to  the Kingdom. We can only be answerable for what He has assigned to us. But we all are assigned to some specific duty or perhaps duties. If you are failing in some area of trust, you only need to acknowledge it to Him, ask His forgiveness and His help to get you back on task. If you haven't started yet, you don't have to wait for new years. You can begin right now. There is much work in His Kingdom for us to accomplish. As it is said in numerous Nike commercials, "Just Do It."

1 comment:

  1. Thank GOD for you.
    As a man after God's heart....it is important to know what the Word says about the man (male) and how we should operate and conduct ourselves as heirs to the King. He has given us authority and dominion.....
