Monday, February 27, 2012

Managing Your Life

Achievement! It is the goal of human existence. It isn't automatic and doesn't just happen. Achievement is the result of planning and discipline. Recently I was going through some old notes and came across five things that will help you achieve your goals and fulfill your dreams. They are borrowed from a book I'd read some time ago. You might be familiar with it. Its title is, "Ten Natural Laws of Successful time and Life Management." I have found them to be beneficial and it is hoped you will to.

  1. Control your time and you will control your life. Time management is a major player in achieving. Time wasted is time gone. It seems that everyone and everything are in competition for our time. If our time is to be controlled, we must set priorities. Make a list of things to do for each day and stick to it. The list should begin with the most important task to the least for the day. Warning! Watch out for those distractions. They are sure to pop up. I am always amazed at the little things that come to interrupt my agenda. For the most part they are innocent matters but if allowed they will knock you off point. Here are a couple of questions to ask when they something that isn't on your list comes up, can it wait or can someone else address the matter. I am certain that the answer is easy.
  2. Your personal success and fulfillment are connected to your governing values. These are the inner convictions that are embraced by every individual. They concern everything from family to friendship and from business to leisure. They are the guiding principles for living. Our governing values are developed and defined from differing streams. Here are a few, family examples both positive and negative, mentoring relationships, the ups and downs of life, religious teachings. During the past twenty years, I have examined my governing values from the teachings of Scripture. They have proven to be the absolute best stream to develop them. The other streams are good but secondary to Scripture. I am thankful to those (family members, my pastor, close friends, and experiences) who take interest in me and help me in this area. Make a list and see what you come up with. 
  3. You experience inner peace when your daily activities reflect your governing values you. There is nothing more valuable than being at peace with God, yourself, and others. Everyone should live by their convictions. Our activities and conversation should be guided by them. At the conclusion of each day ask yourself, have I done right by God, others, and self. This will enable you to make adjustments and corrections where needed. There is nothing more precious than a peaceful night that results from a day well spent.
  4. To reach any significant goal, you must leave your comfort zone.  According to the encyclopedia your comfort zone is a behavioral state within which a person operates in an anxiety neutral condition. You could even say that your comfort zone is a description of your personality. In this state there is a steady level of performance usually without risk. Your comfort zone is your established boundaries. There is nothing to risk and no increased anxiety. However, I've discovered that significant goals require you to experiment with new feelings, new territory, new people, etc. If you examine the successes of highly motivated people, you will discover that they may routinely step outside of their comfort zone to accomplish what they wish. 
  5. Consistent daily planning leverages time and increases focus. Planning is the key to a well managed life. We've all heard the the cliches, fly by the seat of your pants and make it up as you go. Both are quick and easy ways to failure. If we are to get the best out of life, it will result in part by careful planning. I'm reminded of this very clear verse of Scripture, "The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, but everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty", Proverbs 21:5. Simply stated, plans when followed will keep distractions and procrastination at bay. 


  1. Bishop
    Such words of wisdom from a mighty man of GOD. Please Please let us know when you write your first book, it will be a best seller!!!
    Thank GOD for you again...I have tools and insight that prepares me for the battle at hand!!!

    "The LORD be Magnified..."

  2. Pastor, thank you for sharing this! I came across it unexpectedly and it was in the right time. I will be obtaining this book and waiting on yours. ;) Terri
